Sunday, April 5, 2015

Abortion and Equality

               Before I completely dive into this hornet’s nest, I think I would be only fair to start with some basic facts so we are all on board. Some of the numbers are not 100% accurate as some states as California and Maryland amongst others have not publicly released their numbers so some of the numbers I find are skewed, but should be for the most part an accurate estimate. Our topic was legalized in the famous Roe v. Wade case in 1973. A largely accepted study by the Guttmacher institute states that from 1973-2011 well over 57 million abortions took place. In 2011 more than 85% of abortions occurred to single women according to the CDC. Statistics show that abortion rates are much higher amongst lower income individuals and families as well as minorities. Cases of abortions that occur after rape or incest are a rather smaller percentage (Some years usually averaging between 1 and 3 percent). Some studies suggest that around 70 percent of voting mothers find abortion wrong, but that they think it should be the legal choice of others to decide. These are some facts I hope we can all agree on and form the basis of our discussion.

               So what is the point? It is not for me to make a religious argument to win you over to my side, though that would be ideal. I aim to appeal at something which I think we might all agree with; Equality. I have spent the better part of the semester making ignorant remarks and causing conflicts, but it is here I wish to clear my conscious to my female friends and class mates, especially those with somewhat feminist tendencies. I was raised by a single mother, and I hold independent women with the utmost respect. The fact that I think abortion is wrong has nothing to do with telling a woman what to do with her body. I hold women in every bit high as esteem as their male counterparts. I think it is their duty to relinquish their personal preference the second they become pregnant, just like it is right for the man to aid her in this, and be a father to the child. Both individuals in equal part acting as responsible citizens and accepting the consequence of their actions. It is here I would like to refer to a statistic that an overwhelming percentage of women getting an abortion in 2011 were unmarried. I can only infer that many of these women were left with no other options by the man responsible in getting her pregnant, and though I do not find her actions correct, I can understand that I cannot possibly realize their feeling of hopelessness. It takes two in equal part to conceive a child, but I must confess that I believe a father who would willingly do so and then abandon a women who in desperation turns to abortion will surely burn in one of hell’s deeper circles, as he let two people down in this situation, not including himself. That is just not fair.

               As I find men and women equal, I also find children as such, regardless if they have been born yet or not. It is here that I do not expect some of you to agree with me. That is completely with in your own right. I have talked to many people outside of my sheltered and beloved Alabama, and many said they were just not convinced that unborn children were living beings, especially very early in the first trimester. Like I said, I do not expect you all to think I am right. Let us just consider for a second that my opposing view is right and I am wrong. That would mean that millions of children would be born to varying circumstances, many of them not ideal as well as many of them rather sad. I can live with the fact that these individuals had a chance at life, and that though many of them will surely face adversity, that it can be overcome, and that they had a say in their own fate. They had a chance, and though circumstances vary and life is certainly not fair, they have a basic shot at life in by being allowed to start it at birth. I can live with that. Say, however, that I am right, and that unborn children are our equals in humanity, then our country alone in the window of 1973-2011 would have in many cases willingly terminated more than 57 million lives, some out of circumstances that are above my pay grade such as rape or incest, but the absolute overwhelming majority out of a form of convenience. That is 57,000,000 lives you leave to chance. I have a lot I am going to answer for one day, this is without a shadow of a doubt for me. I am personally very sorry for anyone in the class I have offended at some point and in some cases repeatedly, (Sorry girls…) but this is one event that I will not have on my conscience. At the end of the day I think abortion can be seen as a question of equality. Men are as equally responsible as  women to be equally responsible in treating children regardless of being born yet or not as Equals in humanity. That is only fair…


  1. You know, for what it's worth I do think you were pretty fair and moderate in your post, even if your opinion was made very clear. It really doesn't come across as misogynistic or anything--your desire to hold men responsible for the children they father is a nice sentiment (if easier said than done), and I agree with it wholeheartedly. I think we just disagree over the point at which they should be stuck with the consequences of their choices. Personally, I'd say if neither of them wants to be a parent or is prepared for it, they shouldn't be having a child TO dole out responsibilities over.

    1. I really appreciate the comment Mathew. I definitely agree that unfit parents should not have to raise the child it for nothing else than the child's well-being. I cannot in good conscience say that because they aren't ready or are unfit that the unborn child should be terminated. This is for my personal beliefs, but in a broader sense not only what I consider life, but what I consider the chance of life and my definition of equality and fairness. I default to choosing life in all situations, even though I do not have the immediate logistical answers such as how we would change an abortion policy to one of mass adoption.

  2. As you have chosen a slightly different approach to make a pro-life argument, I wonder if the implications of it are necessarily different. So, if as you say it is a problem of men failing to step up, where does that leave us?

    The bottom line of the pro-life movement is to make abortion illegal, which is saying that the government needs to step in and fix the problem. It seems like your point is that men are the problem. Can we be pro-life and still not favor a big government solution to the issues you raise?

    1. Great point doctor. I must try to make clear that men aren't the sole issue, just a big one that is not discussed enough. I definitely do not have all the answers to this great question, but what I personally think is that the governments fundamental purpose is to protect its citizens and to make their life fair and orderly. I would hope to make the case that this is one of the few times I think government should step in for anything, and say that life is valuable and perhaps with whatever budget goes towards supplementing abortion costs could help make adoption more affordable for those willing to care for these children or even give the mothers opportunity and a means to keep them and raise them as their own.
